How to pronounce the word casino
A public room or building where gambling games are played (such as roulette, baccarat, blackjack, poker, and slot machines) for money or other goods. Also, a business or website that provides online gambling games. This word is most often used in English. Occasionally, it is used in other languages to refer to a gambling establishment. It is a frequent enough word to be included in the study list for the C1 level of language mastery, according to CEFR.
The pronunciation of casino is pronounced [KUH-si-noh]. It occurs on average 7.1 times per million words in English, which warrants it inclusion in the study list for the C1 level.
Learn how to say the word casino by breaking it down into its individual sounds: [KUH] + [SEE] + [NOH]. Practice pronouncing these individual sounds, then combine them together to form the full word. Once you can consistently produce the entire word without a mistake, you’re ready to move on to practicing with more complex sentences.
The pronunciation of the Italian word casino is pronounced [CAS-si-noh]. It is most often used in Italy to refer to a gambling establishment, although it can also be used to describe a business or website that provides online gambling services.